Friday, May 16, 2014

Ingvard the Terrible : Illustrator, Viking, Dude: iPad app design and illustration

Ingvard the Terrible : Illustrator, Viking, Dude: iPad app design and illustration:

iPad app design and illustration

I love illustration. You may have guessed that already. I also love design. Also, probably somewhat self-evident.
I have discovered over recent years, however, that I also like designing
for interactive format, or GUI (Graphical User Interface), such as web
sites and apps, etc. 
On top of that, I've also discovered that I like designing and/or
illustrating stuff featuring wildlife or any other zoo-ish or
safari-esque subject matter. Who knew.
This project, then, was a pleasurable combination of all of the above.
It's just a concept, mind you, so don't go looking for it in the App
Store just yet.  

Visit to see more
Ingvard's illustration portfolio on That's My Folio: 

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